Join us at either campus on Thursday, May 2 for the National Day Of Prayer from 11am-1pm as we BOLDLY roar and declare these powerful scriptures and pray for our nation, our church and our families to experience a fresh outpouring of his power!

Let The Church ROAR:

We will be unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Romans 1:16

We will boldly walk in our commitment to the mission and purpose of Jesus Christ. Matt 22:37

We will walk in unity and operate with honor and integrity. John 17:23, 1 Peter 2:11, Corinthians 13:6

We will be committed to Rescuing The lost. Building The Found, And Equipping The Believer.


We Will ROAR In Our Families:

Unity and healthy relationships between parents, children, spouses, friends and ALL family members both natural and spiritual. Malachi 4:5-6

Household Salvations, Household Deliverance and walk in the joy of salvation. Joshua 24:14, Acts 2:39


We Will ROAR For Our Government:

All branches of our government and military will operate in courage, wisdom, humility and seek Godly counsel. I Kings 3:28, I Timothy 2:1-2

All branches of our government and military will serve with hearts that are pliable to God’s leading and operate in integrity. Proverbs 11:3

Thank you, God, for protecting our government and our military. We cover them in the blood of Jesus, speak the Psalm 91 blessing of protection over them and thank you for keeping them safe. Psalm 91


We Will ROAR In The Marketplace:

Businesses will use Godly wisdom along with their abilities and expertise in all business efforts. Proverbs 3:16

Christian businesses will be profitable and have a desire to sow seeds, build communities and churches for the advancement of God’s Kingdom! Psalm 132:15


We Will ROAR In Education:

We declare Teachers, Students and Faculty will experience a safe atmosphere conducive to learning.

We declare that God will raise up educators after God’s own heart that serves in boldness with excellence and honor. Exodus 18:20-21

We declare that ALL students will experience equal opportunities to achieve their full potential. Philippians 1:9


We want to agree with you in prayer. Click the below to share your prayer request with us.