This Easter, Citygate Church is doing something we've never done before.

We’re bringing both campuses together at one location at the Sharonville Convention Center, for one unforgettable day!

*Spanish Translation & Hearing Impaired Assistance available at 11:30am.*

Located at

Sharonville Convention Center

The news was so big, we couldn’t keep it to ourselves.


Easter Eggsplosion

Cincinnati’s Biggest Glow-In-The-Dark Egg Hunt for Ages 6-11 & Traditional Egg Hunt for Ages 5 and Under!

Meet our Lead


Pastors Eric & Kim Petree

Eric and Kim Petree have always had a heart and prayer that God would provide the opportunity to lead a church that looks like heaven. Today that prayer is alive in Citygate Church; a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church where diversity and unity are at the core of the church values. One visit to Citygate Church and you quickly experience the power of diversity and unity in everything they do. Eric and Kim lead with an authentic love for people and a passion to unite the power of Pentecost with the excellence and creativity of God. This approach has created a place where people can touch God, encounter Jesus Christ and be radically changed and empowered by the Holy Spirit.


Easter Eggsplosion

Cincinnati’s Biggest Glow-In-The-Dark Egg Hunt for Ages 6-11 & Traditional Egg Hunt for Ages 5 and Under!

Meet our Lead


Pastors Eric & Kim Petree

Eric and Kim Petree have always had a heart and prayer that God would provide the opportunity to lead a church that looks like heaven. Today that prayer is prayer is alive in Citygate Church; a multi-ethnic, multi-generational church where diversity and unity are at the core of the church values. One visit to Citygate Church and you quickly experience the power of diversity and unity in everything they do. Eric and Kim lead with an authentic love for people and a passion to unite the power of Pentecost with the excellence and creativity of God. This approach has created a place where people can touch God, encounter Jesus Christ and be radically changed and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Help Us Create a Place at Sharonville.