“Train up a child in the way they should go and when he or she gets older, they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
The biblical basis for dedicating a child is found in (1 Samuel 1:27-28), where a godly woman named Hannah prayed year after year for God to give her a child. He answered her prayers and she gave birth to a son, whom she named Samuel. When Samuel was born, Hannah prayed these words: “ I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.”
At Citygate, baby dedications are a time for parents, like Hannah, to commit themselves to raise their child God’s way. They are a joint expression of a parent’s desire to raise Godly children and our commitment as a church to empowering parents in that calling.
Baby dedications are a powerful time for parents to embrace the responsibility God has given them and to catch a vision of the impact they can make in their child’s life. We make these events special by encouraging the whole family to get involved, have fun, offer family pictures, and occasionally make a dad cry. We want this to be an experience that parents will always remember.
Baby dedications also provide us with an opportunity to express our commitment as a church to helping families raise God-honoring kids. And we count it an honor to be entrusted with that incredible privilege.
We invite all families with children to participate in dedications. Baby dedications are scheduled periodically throughout the year at Citygate Church.
Forest Park Campus:
May 17, 2025 at 1:00pm
Lebanon Campus:
May 17, 2025 at 3:00pm